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Prof. Sam-hun Park at College of Education (Department of Japanese Language Education, Dean of Asia Contents Institute) had a lecture about ‘Happy Drug’ on ‘Science Forum’ aired by YTN Science on the 12th.
Prof. Park described the drugs and supplements as ‘happy drugs’ since modern people take various health supplements and nutrients to improve their quality of life even though they do not need them for disease treatment. Prof. Park mentioned that these happy drugs are becoming diversified such as hair growth promoters, weight loss pills, health tonic drinks and vitamin supplements.
Prof. Park also explained that the maintenance of modern physical improvement in the public ha spread through the acceptance of medical discourse via newspaper and magazine journalism. Thus, each individual has consumed the happy drugs for modern ‘health’ and it continues on various health programs on TV and home shopping. Prof. Park concluded that ‘health’ in the media is another image of ‘modernized individuals’ and will continue to be ‘selling’ health in a more advanced medical society in the 21st century.